In the morning hours before Nature released the power of Hurricane Katrina this is what I read:
"May I urge upon all to live more continuously in the world of meaning and less in the world of appearances? It is a truer world and less full of illusion. When the understanding is developed, when men have learnt to see below the surface and have cultivated true vision, then we shall have the steady emergence of the quality of the soul in all forms and the relative subsiding into the background of the power of the form nature. It is this world of meaning which it is the privilege of humanity to reveal, and all true ... students should be pioneers of this field."
-The Tibetan and Alice A. Bailey
I feel the great groundswell of man questioning his purpose in life, even before this latest crisis. Noel McNaughton felt the pull and created a website, called Midlife-Crisis, to define, describe and direct men during this mid-life transition. He writes:
"My mission was (and is) simple: "I create a world where the earth is healthy, and people can see their own magnificence". This website is in line with that mission because I know that as we grow as human beings, and bring more peace and harmony into our own lives, we treat everything else with more compassion, including the earth."
I encourage you to think about the quotes above and to rededicate yourselves to finding your true purpose in life.
For those who subscribe to Polonius' dictate, to thine own self be true, visit