The purpose of Man-o-pause is to convey the positive images of masculinity. Many men question "what it means to be a man." Over the next few days I will contribute to this quest by listing qualities first described by Lou Owen on the Men Web's community newsgroup.
Part I - Relationship
- Men teach and learn from others.
- Men coach and encourage.
- Men compliment.
- Men are peacemakers and negotiators.
- Men mediate, arbitrate and facilitate.
- Men comfort and nurture.
- Men enjoy solitude and companionship.
- Men are good friends.
- Men can keep a confidence.
- Men are faithful, sincere and decent.
- Men take pride in their achievements.
- Men try to keep their community safe.
- Men are philanthropic and generous.
- Men are helpful, kind and thoughtful.
- Men are compassionate and sympathetic.
- Men cheer people up when they are down.
- Men are tender and gentle.
- Men are loving.
- Men debate and discuss.
- Men like fair play.
- Men like joking with others.
- Men entertain others.
- Men protect and rescue others from harm.
- Men sacrifice themselves for their family.
- Men sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
- Men cooperate.
- Men are good parents.
- Men lead others.
- Men are patient.
- Men are honorable.
- Men are honest.
- Men create laws to protect others.
- Men are tolerant and accepting.
- Men are good listeners.
- Men counsel.
- Men respect themselves and others.
- Men value all life and appreciate nature.
Imperfect humans though we are, it is the striving toward a virtue that distinguishes a man. If there is a quality or virtue that you currently do not possess, use the "as if" technique. This is a powerful and successful system to achieving personal transformation.
The steps are simple:
Step 1: You mentally focus on what you want to become. One virtue at a time.
Step 2: You imbue that image with feeling. Imagine someone who exhibits that trait and identify with him.
Step 3: You walk away with knowing and certainty in your stride. Eventually, you become the virtue toward which you strive.
This is how I learned patience.
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