Midlife Men Fueling Publishing Boom
About five months ago I wrote about a forthcoming book with the working title, The Manhood Chemical. As a former editor and publisher, I felt the title needed work. A recent review in The Toronto Sun tells me that someone heard my silent plea. (I really do want men to read these books but, in order to engage men, you really need a meaty headline for a title.) The Testosterone Factor: A Practical Guide to Improving Vitality and Virility is now available. Much better, don't you think?
About three months ago, I heard from Dr. Scott Haltzman about his recent book, The Secrets of Happily Married Men: Eight Ways to Win Your Wife's Heart Forever, who recently sent me a review copy. I'm just finishing the chapter entitled, "Understand the Truth About Sex" which alone is worth the price of admission. I want to write a full review, so you'll have to be satisfied with the Amazon.com reviews for now. But I think I've discovered another target market for Dr. Haltzman...mothers of sons!
In the meantime, you can visit his website Secrets of Married Men.