Hugh at Gaping Void is my new favorite thinker. "I'm interested in changing the world [however you wish to interpret that statement]. And I believe gapingvoid readers tend to be interested in writers who feel the same. That's the quality we'll collectively be looking for, so please keep that in mind," he writes.
To submit your own man-ifesto, go to and Change the World 500 words at a time.
He asked my other favorite writer/thinker for his take. Here's what Seth Godin had to say:
"Does it take 500 words to change things?
Probably not. It probably takes less than a hundred, plus a secret ingredient.
The secret ingredient is your desire to actually do something about it. To take action, to believe that it’s worthwhile, to confront what feels like a risk but really isn’t. The secret ingredient is to ignore excuses, abandon procrastination and stop looking for proof.
So, where’s my manifesto?, he asks." Is his a Mid Life Manifesto or what?
Man's search for meaning begins with you. Visit my new site, Search For Meaning, at