Blogging Boomers Carnival #3
BloggingBoomers, a weekly roundup (also known as a "carnival") of the top stories on the top blogs, are dedicated to baby boomer interests. Without further adieu...
It's not too hard to figure out a person's generation by their name. Boomers may not realize it, but their names have fallen far out of fashion. LifeTwo has a quick quiz to see how well you can match names to their era in the post Boomer Names Growing Old Too (Sorry, Cheryl, Lisa, and Barbara!).
Here's a list of suggested gifts for the baby boomers in your life.
The Rearview Mirror, features reader responses to the tricky question, "How Do I Look?" How would you feel if your mother looked younger than you?
What 10 things could you do each day which would really make a difference to your health and wellbeing over the holiday season? First in a 10-part series, featured over 10 working days. Written to help readers make the holiday season as happy, healthy and stress-free as possible.
If you are between 50 and 55 and think (but aren't sure if) you are feeling the effects of age discrimination, good old research tells us your intuition is right on the money.
So Baby Boomer offers tips for confident and independent Baby Boomers. [But aren't we all!]
If you believe that 60 is the new 40, then you'll want to review the Top Ten Anti-Ageing Products of 2006 here.
The Blooging Boomers Carnival will be on a 2-week hiatus due to the holidays.