Prison System Broken But Stocks Keep Rising
If you don't think prison building represents big profits, think again.
Despite a recent U.S. Census report pointing to unexpected decline in prison population, prison stocks are expected to rise, according to Barron's. Correction Corp. of America is likely to see its profits rise 20%.
See "Why Prison Stocks Look Tempting" for details.
In making this point, I realize I may send readers to make an investment I don't recommend, but I'm willing to take the risk. I think that most men who find this blog care about their families, their communities and young men, in particular.
I believe that there is a direct correlation between the rise of juvenile incarceration and the bullish news about prison stocks. In business-speak I think they call it "future planning."
We are at risk of marginalizing and disempowering an entire generation of young people, disproportionately male and non-Caucasian.
Frankly, I'm at a loss at what to do about this miscarriage of justice other than to point people to resources, like Man-Making and organizations like The Gathering For Justice.