I've encouraged my midlife friends and empty nesters to visit LifeTwo.com, which, sadly, is no longer an active website. Wes Hein, founder, initiated the Blogging Boomer Carnival of which I was an original member. My day job and my own blogging demands took over, so I had to curtail my participation, but I visit on occasion.
And am I glad I did! In true Piscean fashion, I realize that I often have too much empathy. I refer to a recent post entitled, Boomer Kids’ Quarterlife Crisis. I believed what I wrote; I really did. But, I’ve readjusted my thinking.
It’s absolutely acceptable to draw a line in the sand with your adult children. Establishing boundaries and setting expectations is an important part of any healthy relationship, kids included. What’s disconcerting is that boundaries continue to be overstepped, expectations unmet and change has been incremental
It feels like we’ve been taming a wild horse for the past seven years and only the Horse Whisperer holds the key.
Fortunately, John Agno, Professional Life Coach and SoBaby Boomer Blogger, has these positive words to share:
There is hope for boomer helicopter parents!
I have discovered that when children reach 25 years of age, they become real people as they discover that the world really doesn't rotate around them.
Most boomers don't want to continue to be "helicopter parents," hovering so long that their offspring never get a chance to grow up.
But with cell phones and email available 24/7, the temptation to check in is huge. Some boomer parents hang on, propelled by love and insecurity about how the world will treat their children....but when their kids complete their first quarter of a century, boomer parents begin to let them swim on their own.
John, promise?
photo credit: Joel Bedford via photopin cc