Last night was the last of the scheduled presidential debates. Come November 4, 2008, the United States will cast its most important vote in 50 years. What would happen if the world could vote?
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There's an effort to elect an unknown person as President. Watch this online video about the surprising new nominee. If you're as excited and energized as I was after viewing it, send this post (or link) to others. Unkonwn Candidate Poses Tangible Threat Be patient. The video takes about two...
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"After our daily labors, let us gather to discourse about the heart. It will lead us beyond the domains of Earth toward the Subtle World, in order to bring us closer to the sphere of Fire." from Heart, Agni Yoga Society After any major crisis or upheaval, we often ask...
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"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."