How we consume online media depends on age and gender. Women over 50 are the fastest growing demographic on Facebook while 50+ men logging on drops off significantly.
“The Great Male Survey,” a study sponsored by, found that texting is definitely where the young teens are at but, by thirty, Facebook, texting and the mobile phone are all equally important tools for communication.
Even though most of the men in the survey didn’t choose Facebook as their main means of communication, an average of 69% of all the men who responded said they do log on to the site regularly. The 20-24 age range comes in on top with 78% of men using Facebook.
Texting may be the most popular mode of communication between men, but for men under forty, Facebook beats out phone, Twitter and even email.
So the message here for Baby Boomers is that if you want to talk to your 20- or 30-something male child, there’s no better way to get to know them than to “like” them on Facebook. You may get some push back, but you could always start an exclusive Group and invite him via text message
A tip for the male Quarterlifers who read this blog: Give your "old" man a call.
Source: Marketing Pilgrim, Yes, Virginia, There are Men Using Facebook.