It's well known that divorce may cause or contribute to the onset of male midlife crisis. It definitely aggravates it, as well. Divorce is always stressful, even if it's amicable. And self care becomes especially important during times of stress, such as divorce. So if taking care of self is on the bottom of your to-do list, move it to the top.
Like many, you maybe don't know where to begin to start to take care of number one. That's what I'm here for--to show you some ways that will make it easy for you to start taking some healthy steps so you can have a better outlook on your bright future.
This is an opportunity for great growth and insight. So be gentle on yourself, accept things for what they are, and open yourself up to what they can become.
2. Set aside a personal space. Whether it's an apartment on the side, or the corner of a room with a makeshift privacy screen--you need to be able to have some place that you can call your own, where you can just get away from it all.
3. Express yourself. Holding it all in only hurts you. Yell, groan, cry, hit some sofa pillows...let it out. This makes room for more healthy thoughts and emotions to move in and helps you move on.
4. Lean on others. We often don't want to burden others, especially friends and family, with our troubles. But I say, "Hey, that's what friends and family are for!"
5. Be prepared for the legal process. It can take longer than you expect, so be mentally prepared for that. Get a lawyer--do not represent yourself. Many states have free legal aid for income eligible.
6. Eat healthy and exercise. We often neglect these obvious basics, but stress takes a toll on our physical bodies. Being physically fit helps your psyche handle stress better, too.
7.Try something new. Go ahead and dream--of a new fun activity, a hobby you always wanted to try, a passion you'd like to pursue, some place you always wanted to go. Imagine a possibility, then try it. Turn your mid-life crisis into a midlife opportunity! Again, be gentle with yourself and others. Be ready for more changes. And enjoy your new life adventures. I wish you all the best.
About the Author
Sera Filson is a writer, professional student and health enthusiast. When she's not writing, exercising, or earning some college degree or another, she supports eHouseOffers & follows eHouseOffers on Twitter.