As with all things online, change is constant. As I've reestablished my posting schedule, I've also been checking for broken links. The website below has become Beyond the Ordinary with a subsection devoted to men.
What is a Man's Inner Journey?
From their website,
“Traditional male socialisation and ‘cultural scripts’ encourage men to be tough, self-reliant, competitive and independent. According to these traditional values, men must appear to be highly independent, super-competent, experienced, rational, invulnerable, unemotional, in-authority, tough … the prime values of masculinity can be seen to be performance, competence and independence.” (Alan Jenkins, An Owners Guide to Male Sexuality).
I had noticed significant search traffic from the website, Man’s Inner Journey, and I couldn't figure out why. They are not promoting any article I’ve written, and my blog link appears in a list of many other resources. So I decided to think harder on what specific journey males may be seeking.
I suspect it’s a "journey to become better men." I’ve seen this in the private emails I receive. While this blog doesn’t receive many comments, I do receive compliments from male readers and bloggers from around the world thanking me for getting them to think about becoming a better man.
They seem to appreciate my secular approach on how to become your true Self.
If one of your life’s goals is to become a better man, to become the highest Self within, I can think of no better website to peruse than this one. The Journey Continues is a workshop for Man’s Inner Journey graduates. It offers men an opportunity to look deeper into their lives and make healthy choices about their future. in Melbourne, Australia.
The workshop
- offers men an opportunity to look deeper into their lives and make healthy choices about their future.
- invites you to continue and deepen the journey from your head to your heart.
- is an experiential weekend to the max, with opportunities for individual work and group work.
- is a journey toward wholeness and oneness... bringing you personal empowerment, clarity, and the ability to listen to the wisdom that has always been in your heart... waiting to be heard... when you allow the distance between heart and head to dissolve.
So for whatever reason Man-o-pause is receiving traffic from Man’s Inner Journey, back at ya!
For more information, visit their resource page.