More and more men entering middle age are finding themselves looking for a new job, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and it’s scaring the hell out of them. Here's advice that can help.
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via For social media marketers, this is an interesting article on attracting the male demographic to the latest greatest social network: Pinterest. The author details the current dearth of male participation and presents an outline for getting more guys to "pin" your content. Includes worthy case studies too, such...
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David Bainbridge is a clinical veterinary anatomist at Cambridge University and a science writer. He is the author of Middle Age - A Natural History. He’s also a funny chap (as they say across the Pond.) Here’s my summation of a recent article he wrote for the BBC Online News...
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Outstanding article by Douglas, LaBier, Ph.D., a business psychologist and psychotherapist, is director of the Center for Progressive Development in Washington, D.C. on Huffington Post. His intro paragraph follows. That's how a man in his 50s described his life to me not long ago: "It's my long slide home." He...
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I read the review to my husband and actually think we might go see it. Plus, we both loved Sideways and who can resist George Clooney now that he's matured? We've been disappointed movie goers so often, that we generally wait and rent from RedBox. With a thumbs up from...
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"...It’s not just mothers who are getting older, and it’s not just women who fret over the perfect age to start a family, or who face fertility problems and birth complications. It’s men too. The biological clock exists for all of us. "'There are several reasons I’m concerned,' says Alexander,...
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"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."